Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who is Lula Nettles?

Well, it's Lula Octavia Nettles to be more precise, and aside from her being my great grand aunt and the name and face behind this blog, I'm not really sure!

I know that some of our family heirlooms have come from her (I think our hand painted fine china that my mom has).  There is a picture of her with the rest of the family with my great grandmother as an infant.

I know she was born in Texas in 1875 and lived to be 90.  I had never met her.  I had heard stories of her from my grand mother and she reminded me so much of what I remember of my great grandmother.

Researchers still don't know when she got married... we do know she had 2 boys, both of whom also passed before I was was born.  Sometimes it is not exactly advantageous to be the young researcher!  For some unknown reason she has caught my interest! There will definitely be more to come on her - consider this her rather brief introduction.


Professor Feraldi said...

Hi Kyla,

Have you found a way to do geneology research online that is free?

Lula N said...

There are some sites that you can use such as Heritage quest that offer free documents. I have found that, in comparison to Ancestry, this site in particular is not user friendly. You can search for family members using rootsweb and sometimes the researchers will share the documents or have links to fully developed family history sites. Also, some states have their digital archives online free for search with some of the documents available as well (such as Washington state).